Brian Fernandez speaks to Jaffri Ibrahim, CEO of Collaborative Research in Engineering, Science and Technology (CREST), a government funded members-based non-profit Company Limited by Guarantee (CLBG), focus on the E&E industry that has punched well above its weight.
Jaffri talks about the evolution of the agency over the last 8 years, how they have built a collaborative ecosystem between government, industry and academia and the areas of technology that Malaysia can focus on over the next 3-5 years.
Follow the time stamp below:
0:04:42 The key benefits achieved in the E&E ecosystem as a result of CREST
0:08:55 Success stories during the eight years
0:11:26 Talent development is one of the key achievements
0:14:16 Skill sets mismatch; is there enough talent in the E&E industry
0:16:55 What are the challenges faced in the eight years since inception
0:19:15 Key lessons which could be replicated
0:23:12 Shifting the academia mindset towards quality agenda
0:26:40 Moving forward, the next three focus areas for the next five years
0:30:24 What does Malaysia needs to do to be more high-tech
Presented By: Brian Fernandez