In a conversation with JingJin Liu, CEO and co-founder of ZaZaZu, she shares her views on why women who have the confidence to express and communicate their sexual needs will prevail in a male dominated career.
She also talks about her career journey in the corporate world.
Follow the time stamps below:
0:00:49 Could you briefly share your corporate background?
0:03:32 Where did the concept of ZaZaZu come from?
0:14:00 What is the company’s business model?
0:19:00 How do you compete with sites selling similar products, what is your differentiator?
0:24:55 How much did you raise in your pre seed funding round recently? And who are the investors?
0:27:00 As an experience entrepreneur, could you share some key lessons for new startups?
Presented By: Sharon Chang