BetterTradeOff is a fintech startup, founded in Singapore, that democratises financial planning by providing consumers with accessible and comprehensible advice.
Laurent Bertrand, the CEO and Co-founder who oversees the company’s global business operations, talks about BetterTradeOff’s platform and how its tools that help with scenario planning can advise consumers to make the right financial decisions at different stages of their lives.
He also shares his views on how financial planning is perceived between the younger and the older generations, the challenges consumers could face and the elements they need to know when building a good portfolio.
Investing is often perceived as a complicated and risky process. Laurent explains how individuals can learn more about the different options available in order to make a well-informed investment decision.
For individuals beginning their investment journey, Laurent gives his views to ensure long-term success.
Guest: Laurent Bertrand, CEO and Co-founder of BetterTradeOff
Host: Brian Fernandez